
Lawyer Sinan Keskin was born in Kastamonu to a family with legal experts such as two lawyers, one Supreme Court Member and Penal Judge graduated from Yeditepe University Law School with outstanding success and he has sustained his legal expert mission from the first day he graduated until today as a lawyer registered in İstanbul Bar Association.


Lawyer Önal Öncü is the founder of the legal office and he was born in 1941 in Düzce. After İstanbul Erkek High School, he graduated from İstanbul Law School in 1969. He has been a member of Fenerbahçe Sports Club High Council and president of İstanbul Erkek Liseliler 1884 Foundation. He has been known as a “Master” by many legal experts in Real-Estate Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law and Family Law.

Nurşen Selen AGİN

Nurşen Selen Agin is the managing partner in Öncü & Keskin Law Firm and she was been a lawyer registered to İstanbul Bar Association. She graduated from İstanbul University Law School. She continues her master studies in İstanbul University in Public Law field and she is simultaneously studying International Relations in Anadolu University. Agin has participated in various legal training and seminar and she is a member of legal commission of Consumer Problems Foundation.

Iraz Çağla ÖZDEMİR

Iraz Çağla ÖZDEMİR, a self-employed lawyer registered with the Istanbul bar, is a graduate of Yeditepe University Faculty of Law. She is currently continuing her post graduate studies in Marmara University Private Law and simultaneously studies Business Administration in Anadolu University in English. Özdemir has attended International Information Technology Law, Law of Protection of Personal Data and many legal training and seminars. She is fluent in English and German as a foreign language.


He graduated from Maltepe University Faculty of Law, registered with the Istanbul bar, in 2018. He has attended legal training and seminars on criminal law, family law and international law. He has a good command of English.


He graduated from İstanbul Commerce University Law School in 2017. He focused on Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, Commercial Law and Law on Obligation. He has advanced level in the English language.

Canseri Ceylan ÜLERGİN

Canseri Ceylan Ülergin is a lawyer registered to İstanbul Bar Association and she graduated from Başkent University Law School in 2010. Ülergin participated to various legal education and seminar and she is working in various NGOs.

Mehmetcan SEYMEN

He was born in 1986 and after graduating from Yeditepe University in 2014 with full-scholarship, he focused on Intellectual Property and Brand Law and he has been offering his services as a “brand agent” to our clients.

Assistant of Law



Fatma Zehra ZAVİ
Prof. Dr. / Expert

After graduation from Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Services, Administrative Expert Department in 1991, she completed her masters in Atatürk University Institute of Social Science Accounting Finance Department in 1996, her doctorate in Gebze Advanced Technology Institute, Institute of Social Science Business Administration Department in 2004, she became associate professor in Karabük University Administration Organisation in 2012 and she completed her academic career by becoming a professor in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Services, Administrative Organisations department of the same university.

Zavi has various publications in numerous domestic and international journals and peer-reviewed journals and she is working as an expert and offering consultancy services in international commercial law, company law, business administration and organisation fields.

Hasan TAN
Legal Expert and Concordat Commissaire

HASAN TAN as a SPK-licenced real-estate valuation expert, real-estate expert and Legal Expert and Concordat Commissaire offers his services in ÖNCÜ KESKİN LAW FIRM AND CONSULTANCY OFFICE in our real-estate and property planning law consultancy services as well as COURTHOUSE EXPERT.

He has been offering services to our clients in terms of their problems regarding real-estate for:
1) Technical investigation to clarify merits of client claims.
2) Assessment of compliance of the claims with law as well as whether there is any forfeiture.
If any such forfeiture is detected, preparing expert opinion report to be offered as a legal dictum to the court.
Completing SPK-licenced real-estate valuation processes.
3) Preparing expert report for division of matrimonial property in case of divorces.
4) Concordat Commissaire
5) Expropriation, cancellation of possession, adequate pay, claims and personal action, invalidation of dissolution, re-employment lawsuit, severance pay, compensation for loss of support and effort loss.


Osman Kadri Keskin (14 August 1947, Kastamonu)
Legal Expert (Member of Supreme Court)

He graduated from İstanbul University Law School in 1968. He worked as Karlıova Assistant Judge, Taşköprü Judge, Boyabat Head of Criminal Court, Judicial Court Presidency of Justice Commission, Erzincan Military Commission Judge and Ankara State Security Court. Keskin was selected as a member of Supreme Court in 23 June 1987 and while he was working in this position in Supreme Court 3rd Criminal Division, he also worked as Undersecretary of Prime Minister between 15 November 1996-11 April 1997. He was selected to Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in 1996 with Council of Ministers quota.

Mehdi Keskin (16 February 1939 Kastamonu)
Legal Expert (Lawyer)

He graduated from İstanbul University Law School in 1965. After finishing the Law School, he has been working as a lawyer for 54 years under Kastamonu Bar. Keskin is an expert in Criminal Law and he has been in various cases including representing the martyr families in Abdullah Öcalan case. Keskin was a member of the parliament in the 15th period of TBMM as well as Head of Kastamonu Bar and he was various published legal articles, essays and books.

Muhammet Bedri Keskin (16 September 1949, Kastamonu)
Legal Expert (Lawyer)

He graduated from İstanbul University Law School in 1970; after completing the Law School, he started working as a lawyer under Kastamonu Bar and continuously worked as a lawyer for 43 years.

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